One fun way to talk about how seasons change is by teaching kids about trees. This tree template is a free printable and can be used as a coloring page, or as a craft about the seasons. We used it as a finger painting project too and designed our own fall tree!
Below you will find a pdf file you can download to print. We’ve included a tree outline with and without leaves in a few different sizes.
Looking for more nature themed ideas and templates?
How to Use This Tree Template
This template is for personal and educational use only. Feel free to use it as home or in your classroom. It is not intended for commercial use. If you use our template, please link back to this page.
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Tree Printable
Using a tree printable is a fun way to teach children of all ages about the seasons and how they change and what that means in nature. If you’re using it with a toddler it’s the perfect craft for finger painting and talking about different colors of leaves. As a preschool or kindergarten craft they can do more of the cutting and coloring with you.
Seasons Themed Craft
Ready to make your tree into a fall design? Follow these steps!
Supplies Needed
- Tree Outline download
- Construction paper or cardstock in brown and green
- kids washable paint
- school glue
- scissors
Make Your Tree Craft
- Print out your template(s).
- Cut out the tree outlines and trace onto paper.
- Next trace the leaf canopy.
- Put glue on the tree trunk and branches and glue to your green cardstock.
- As an alternative, you can use kids paint to have kids create ‘leaves’ with their fingerprints by dipping them in paint an adding to the tree.
More Ideas to Try
- Use this template as a coloring page.
- Create nests with loose strings or other craft supplies and talk about what types of animals live in trees.
- Make a poster with a tree cut out glued on it representing each ‘season’, one with no leaves, one with green leaves, and one with fall colors.
Tree Template #1:
This downloadable PDF includes a single large tree. If you’re looking for the full set of tree designs use this downloadable PDF.
Tree Template #2:
This downloadable PDF includes a large tree with a separate trunk on one page. If you’re looking for the full set of tree designs use this downloadable PDF.
Tree Template #3:
This downloadable PDF includes two trees. If you’re looking for the full set of tree designs use this downloadable PDF.
Tree Template #4:
This downloadable PDF includes two smaller trees per page with a divided trunk from the leaves. If you’re looking for the full set of tree designs use this downloadable PDF.